Wednesday, July 11, 2007

What is Reiki?

What is Reiki?

Reiki is the Japanese word for Universal Life Energy. We all have Reiki energy (Universal Life Force Energy) for it is our birthright. To be precise one could actually say that we Are Reiki or Universal Life Force Energy, for it is the very “stuff” we are made of. Even science now recognizes the fact that so called solid objects is just dense vibrating energy that, in fact, there is NO solid matter. Hermetic science also states “All IS Energy”

Attunements, as they are called, affect each person differently, depending on your own vibratory frequency when you first receive them. Those of you, who have already completed some reiki work, will more than likely have a different experience as one who has never; there is a quantum leap in energy expansion. However, you will NEVER receive more than what you can handle.

First Degree attunements seem to have a powerful effect on opening up the physical body and affect the “etheric” body as well. Once you are attuned to Reiki energy, you Never lose it. Even if you don’t use it over a period of years. First degree allows you to perform self-healing for yourself and for others in person.

The Second Degree attunements provide another “quantum leap” in vibratory frequency and affect the energy body. One of the most obvious effects is the heightening of one’s intuitive abilities more commonly known as the “third-eye”. Second degree allows you to perform distant healings and have access to more powerful Reiki healing symbols.

The Third Degree attunement is used to initiate a master with the master symbols used to help others to empower themselves. A Reiki Master is simply a person who has chosen to take the next step into mastership by accepting a greater level of responsibility for his or her life and openly accepts the effects of causes, which are self-created. Third degree or Master/Teacher level may Only be given by a Master/Teacher.

An important point to understand about Reiki is that it is never sent. There is No “doing” involved. It is Always drawn through the channel usually through the top of the head called the “Crown”.

One of the greatest benefits of Reiki is the possibility of self-treatments, as with self-treatments you can effectively use Reiki for relaxation and stress release. It amplifies the Life Force Energy in the body, which then helps to create balance in the physical & etheric bodies. Reiki not only effects change in the chemical structure of the body by helping to regenerate organs and rebuild bone & tissue, it also creates balance at the mental level.

Reiki is not a religion or dogma as it holds no creed or doctrine. It is a very ancient science or healing arts hidden for thousands of years until re-discovered by Dr. Usui. A recipient of Reiki need Not believe in it, he or she ONLY needs to have a Sincere Willingness to try it and most of al, some sort of Investment in his or her own healing process. Eventually, the person should be encouraged to take a Reiki class, so he or she can begin taking full responsibility for his or her own health and wholeness. Reiki is truly a spiritual discipline; therefore, each person must take responsibility to continue with self-treatment.

To learn more about Reiki or to become a Reiki Master you can go to and become a First Degree Reiki for FREE!! Or learn how to become a Reiki Master for a nominal fee.

Reiki energy can also be used to heal any financial issue you may currently be experiencing. To learn more about clearing your old beliefs regarding money check out our Achieving Abundance course

Till our next lesson......

With Love and Light

We are focusing more here in this course, to using Universal Life Force Energy to clear certain issues regarding money and to empower and attract to you that which you DO want in your life.

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