Friday, January 11, 2008

Time to Change

"When coasting in our comfort zones, we don't grow. We continue to do more of the same.... Maintaining a comfort zone can, paradoxically, lead to discomfort in the long run.

If by being comfortable we avoid important life issues, internal tension accumulates.... Eventually, as both internal and external pressures for change persist, the ‘comfort zone’ ceases to serve us."

-- Eric Allenbaugh

It takes effort to change. What do you most want to change in your life? Make a list of what you can do to start the process. Try journaling, perhaps. Read books. Take a course. Find a mentor. Seek out support.

How will you commit time to make it happen? When are you going to start?
Your life is passing quickly!

"Be not afraid of changing slowly; be afraid only of standing still."

-- Chinese Proverb

With Love and Light

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

What is a Merkaba Vehicle??

What is a Merkaba Vehicle?
by Drunvalo Melchezidek

The Merkaba is a counter-rotating field of light generated from the spinning of specific geometric forms that simultaneously affects one's spirit and body. It is a vehicle that can aid mind, body and spirit to access and experience other planes of reality or potentials of life. In fact, the Merkaba is even much more than this. Those who have taken the Flower of Life workshop and have learned the merkaba meditation have stated that they have learned more about themselves, connected with their higher selves, and moved to new levels of awareness.

The Merkaba is a tool that helps humans reach their full potential. The Merkaba is a crystalline energy field that is comprised of specific sacred geometries that align the mind, body, and heart together. This energy field created from sacred geometry extends around the body for a distance of 55 feet. These geometric energy fields normally spin around our bodies at close to the speed of light, but for most of us they have slowed down or stopped spinning entirely due to a lack of attention and use. When this field is reactivated and spinning properly, it is called a Merkaba.

A fully activated Merkaba looks just like the structure of a galaxy. The Merkaba enables us to experience expanded awareness, connects us with elevated potentials of consciousness, and restores access and memory of the infinite possibilities of our being. When the Merkaba meditation is performed correctly, the Merkaba fluidly integrates our feminine (intuitive, receptive) and masculine (active, dynamic) aspects of our mind and spirit.

Ten Qualities of Your Merkaba Higher Self

1. Merkaba is One with all. The Source, Its power and the soul are One.

2. Merkaba is silent stillness at its center. It is the perfect balance of stillpoint.

3. Merkaba pulsates, expands, and contracts. This is radiation and absorption of the divine heartthrob. It is the rhythm, vibration and flow between polarities. Merkaba is the All in All.

4. Merkaba breathes. As it pulsates, it draws energy into your center and radiates that energy back out.

5. Merkaba is a vortex-sphere. It spins, spirals and turns up and through its own center in an endless, self-generating process. It is the perfect sphere that generates the Tree of Life.

6. Merkaba contains crystalline geometries. Crystalline structures of light, formed within Merkaba, are a shape code that allows you to move between dimensions and to communicate with civilizations of light. Merkaba functions on all planes: "as above, so below."

7. Merkaba is living fire - the light of God. It is the cosmic essence, the creative substance of the universe called the threefold flame at the center of your Heart.

8. Merkaba is cosmic sound. It is called by a hundred names, e.g., OM, HU, Amen, Allah, Aloha, Soham, etc.

9. Merkaba is living waters. It is the radiant, fiery, bliss of nectar that is the life of creation.

10. Merkaba is love. The sensation of Merkaba is blissfully nurturing. Out of this sensation flow wisdom, clarity and compassion.

excerpt from'The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life' by Drunvalo Melchezidek

With Love and Light


Saturday, January 5, 2008

Can Your Thoughts Change Your DNA???

Your Thoughts Can Change your DNA
by CJ Martes

We’ve come to understand that thoughts are energy. Actions are energy. Your entire life is filled with energy frequencies. Pay careful attention to what you project into the world. Thoughts are can be very powerful attractors.

A recent study shows just how powerful we really are at the basic level of our mere thoughts.

There is now scientific evidence proving just how important our thoughts can be to health and personal wellbeing.

Recent studies show that DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes.

Our DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but it also serves as data storage and communication. This is an important key to changing our DNA structures.

We only use 10% of our DNA for building proteins in the body. It is this subset of DNA that is of interest to western researchers and is being examined and categorized. The other 90% are considered "junk DNA”. But is it really “junk” or useless DNA?

The Russian linguists found that the genetic code, especially in the apparently useless 90%, follows the same rules as all our human languages. To this end they compared the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences, the study of meaning in language forms and the basic rules of grammar

. ..They found that the alkalines of our DNA follow regular grammar and do have set rules just like our languages. This discovery proves a point that human languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA.

Scientists have managed, for example, to modulate certain frequency patterns onto a laser ray and with it influenced the DNA frequency and thus changed the genetic information itself.

Since the basic structure of DNA-alkaline pairs and of language (as explained earlier) are of the same structure, no DNA decoding is necessary. One can simply use words and sentences of the human language!

This, too, was experimentally proven! Living DNA substance will always react to language-modulated laser rays and even to radio waves, if the proper frequencies are being used. This finally and scientifically explains why affirmations, hypnosis and the like can have such strong effects on humans and their bodies.

We now know that it is entirely normal and natural for our DNA to react to language. While western researcher cut single genes from the DNA strands and insert them elsewhere, the Russians enthusiastically worked on devices that can influence the cellular metabolism through suitable modulated radio and light frequencies and thus repair genetic defects.

Imagine how easily it would make it to repair genetic defects such as Downs Syndrome. While a western researcher cut single genes from the DNA strands and inserted them elsewhere, the Russians enthusiastically worked on devices that can influence the cellular metabolism through suitable modulated radio and light frequencies and thus repair genetic defects.

Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known for ages that our body is programmable by language, words and thought. This has now been scientifically proven and explained. Of course the frequency has to be correct. And this is why not everybody is equally successful or can do it with always the same strength. The individual person must work on the inner processes and maturity in order to establish a conscious communication with the DNA. However, Russian researchers are working on a method that is not dependent on these factors but will ALWAYS work, provided one uses the correct frequency. If done, many of the world’s illnesses could be cured with frequency alone. An amazing and startling discovery!

The more developed an individual's consciousness is, the less need is there for any type of device! One can achieve these results by oneself, and science will finally stop laughing at such ideas and will confirm and explain the results.

Scientists also found out that our DNA can also cause disturbing patterns in the quantum vacuum, thus producing magnetized wormholes! These are tunnel connections between entirely different areas in the universe through which information can be transmitted outside of space and time.

Your DNA attracts these bits of information and passes them on to our consciousness. This process of hypercommunication is most effective in a state of relaxation.

Stress and worries block effective or successful hypercommunication It distorts the information making it useless to us. As we initiate greater individual consciousness, we can create a new form of group consciousness, namely one, in which we attain access to all the group’s information via our DNA.

We now know that just as on the internet our DNA can feed its proper data into the network, can call up data from the network and can establish contact with other participants in the network.

Remote healing, telepathy or "remote sensing" about the state of relatives etc. can thus be explained. Some animals know also from afar when their owners plan to return home. That can be freshly interpreted and explained via the concepts of group consciousness and hypercommunication.

Any collective consciousness cannot be sensibly used over any period of time without a distinctive individuality. Otherwise we would revert to a primitive herd instinct that is easily manipulated.

Hypercommunication in the new millennium means something quite different: Researchers think that if humans with full individuality would regain group consciousness, they would have a god-like power to create, alter and shape things on Earth! AND humanity is collectively moving toward such a group consciousness of the new kind.

These discoveries will change the face of our understanding our physiology and how we perceive the capabilities of us as individuals. Spiritual growth seems to be the key component. Since this is a primarily focus of many individual’s today, you can see just how important this really is.

So start working with and perceive your thoughts as a tool you’re your transformation. Your thoughts can become a powerful force for change in your spiritual awareness and growth. While doing so, remind yourself that you have the power to change the world - simply one thought at a time.

Source Material from: Aquarius Age - 08/2007

With Love and light

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Message of Urie

Uriel's Message
Stand In your Truth
by Jennifer Hoffman

The secret to experiencing unconditional love, abundance, miracles and joy in every part of your life is to remember that you are a powerful, divine and spiritual being. Your abilities are limitless and you are always connected to Source. This is the Truth of who you are. Once you discover your truth and allow the mind to work in harmony with Spirit, you stand in the flow of the Universal energy and are transformed into higher levels of being. Nothing can take this away from you unless you allow it.

Spirit does not experience pain, unhappiness, fear and loneliness. Those are experiences of the mind. Spirit does not understand or know poverty, disappointment, failure or sadness. Those are also experiences of the mind. Spirit knows that everything holds a blessing and remembers what you came here to experience. Spirit holds the Truth while the mind believes in the illusion.

When you live from the mind you live the illusion. When you live in harmony with Spirit you are able to transcend the illusion and create a reality that reflects your power and divinity. The choice is yours to make. The mind believes the temptation that what you want is out of your reach. The mind believes that you are less than perfect and have limitations. Spirit can take you from the realm of impossible to that of limitless possibilities. When the mind and Spirit are in harmony miracles and transformation occur.

When they work together, the mind and Spirit move forward in Truth, standing firm in the knowledge of your divinity and power. You will then no longer need to create chaos and drama, live with fear and doubt or experience limitations. No one can make you believe that you are imperfect, powerless or undeserving. The world will always hold out the illusion of powerlessness to you-you do not have to accept it as the truth for you. You have come here to change that illusion for yourself and for all of humanity. Stand in your Truth, accept your divinity, reconnect to Source and create a world where peace, joy and unconditional love are the Truth for everyone.

I hope you have all enjoyed these most powerful messages!

With Love and Light

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Divine Order on the Higher Realm

Master El Morya
Curriculum & Divine Order on the Higher Realms
(excerpt)through Aurelia Louise Jones

You are now being prepared, dear ones, to learn the dynamics of how you will be functioning in the fourth and fifth dimension. In the higher realms, we no longer function so much as separate individuals. All we do is done more at group level, so to speak. It is no longer so much "I did this and I did that". It is more like "we did this and we did that" as a group, together. This is your next step, beloveds, to learn to function as group awareness, in total oneness, love and harmony, while retaining your individuality as a soul.

In the fifth dimension you create instantly by your thoughts. If your thoughts and feelings are not loving and harmonious at all time, you will be creating havoc in that dimension, and know that it simply will not be tolerated. If this happens, you will be sent back to the fourth or third dimension once again, whatever will be the case, until you learn to control your thoughts and feelings, and master the full curriculum of those dimensions. This should give you a clue as to why so many of you are still here in the third dimension. Some of you are here physically on Earth right now because you have volunteered to come and help the Earth during Her transition, while others are still here because they have not yet applied themselves enough to master the curriculum of Earth to a sufficient degree to qualified to move on to the next level.

The fourth dimension is the place where the last stage of learning of this mastery will take place for many of you in the next 10 to 12 years ahead. The sooner you are able to master your thoughts and feelings and open your hearts to unconditional love, the sooner you will be able to personally climb this spiritual ladder, as you yearn to move on to the higher realms of those dimensions. Each one of the higher dimensions has seven levels of learning and initiation; each level will have to be mastered before moving on to the next. This means that as souls, some of you will make it to the fifth dimension sooner, while others will linger on for a very long time. It is all a question of the choices you are making in the every now moments of your daily life.

Learning group dynamics and learning to master group work with set intentions and total harmony and co-operation with each other now, while still on the third level, will give you a head-start in your near cosmic future. Anyone trying to create separation because of human opinions, right or wrong, it does not matter, may very well be creating for themselves a situation that will cause them to be held back, at least temporarily, in their climb to the top. This principle applies to all groups, not only to spiritual groups.

By those words, I just cracked open the door, beloved ones, to give you a glimpse of part of the curriculum you will have to learn and master while transitioning into the fourth dimension, on your way to the fifth.

Granted that the path of initiation has never been made to easy, the ascension doors have never been opened so wide, the Earth has never received so much assistance, and you, beloveds, have never received so much grace. The grace that is offered to you at this time is of a magnitude so great that only in your cosmic future will you be able to understand the full impact of it. This grace of such great compassion that is offered now to humanity does not mean that the path of initiation is scrambled. There is no short cut to this ascension door; all initiations will have to be mastered one by one. The grace that is offered on the planet now, and in the months and years to come, will soften your path and will shorten your walk. How much shorter will your walk be? It will be different for each one according to their ability and willingness to open their heart to Unconditional Love and their application of the Laws of Life.

Because abuse of power and distortions of divine principles by governments and religious leaders, and in practically all walks of life, have been so rampant on Earth for so very long, many of you live with a passionate desire to experience freedom from control and manipulation, from application of a distorted system of hierarchy. A great majority of you is now completely turned off to the idea of hierarchy of any kind, even spiritual hierarchy. Because your hearts are still in pain over this long-term abuse, it is very understandable from our viewpoint.

Nevertheless, on the higher realms, a system of spiritual hierarchy does exists, and it is this very system that keeps the Universe and all of God's creation functioning in divine order. Your denial of it, your refusal to admit that hierarchy exits on the higher realms will not change it. I desire to remind you that on the higher realms, we function with a system of hierarchy based "only on pure Love" and for the greatest good of all; and this is most wondrous, dear ones.

In the time to come, this system of hierarchy will be implemented on Earth as well; it simply cannot be otherwise. It will be benevolent and will be based on Love and Divine principles. The ones that will rule, will rule only because of their divine rights to rule. The level of spiritual attainment, love and mastery they have attained will earn these rights. A system of hierarchy based on divine principles is not designed to deprive you of your powers by all means. On the contrary, it will serve to enhance your divinity and your powers to great heights.

I ask you to let go of your misconceptions and fears concerning spiritual hierarchy. We perceive that many lightworkers are almost making vows to reject any kind of authority. On the higher dimensions, all of us, including you, and who you are on the other side of the veil, all of creation, from the tiniest insect to the highest level of the Godhead functions on a system of hierarchy. When you move to your next level, you will find that you will be working and studying in groups. Each group is always sponsored by a member of a higher echelon on the ladder of evolution. This does not mean that one is superior to the other. Ultimately all is one, and none is better than the other. It simply means that one has attained sooner than you what you are striving for, and is willing to be your mentor in attaining your goals.

On the same token, as you take classes and work under those who have attained sooner than you did, you will also be responsible to be in a position of hierarchy or mentor for a certain group of souls who have not yet attained the same level you have, and it will be with great joy and a feeling of fulfillment that you will work with them. The ladder of evolution and attainment is earned through "service" to life. This is one of the mysteries of this great chain on Life. This is why we are always so willing and in joy to be of assistance to all of you.

There is what you call "free will" on the higher dimensions. There is also a greater sense of freedom than experienced on Earth, yes. But know that there is no free will or liberty when it comes to the freedom of misusing energy with negativity as it has been permitted to create and experience on Earth for so very long. I ask you, dear ones, to start practicing now what is required to attain your mastery. The payoff is very much worth it.

With love and light


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Trusting Meditation

Trusting Meditation
by Orin and DaBen

I affirm that I am now ready to increase my trust in the goodness of the universe. I relax my body. I bring relaxation into my arms and shoulders. I adjust my posture so that my chest and back are comfortable. I notice my legs and feet and sit in a way that lets energy flow throughout my body.

I increase my trust in my ability to draw to myself what I need and want by remembering a time when I trusted that something would come to me-- and it did. I think of something I want that I know is for my higher good. I picture what having this will give me, what quality of energy I will have when this object or situation comes to me.

I make a picture of having this. I now expect to have this or something even better. I believe in myself and in my ability to create what is good for me. I affirm that the universe is abundant and that I can have what I want. I now affirm my trust in the goodness of: Myself, My soul, The Universe, God/Goddess/All That Is, Fill in:_______.

I trust that every thing comes in the perfect time and in the perfect way. I trust that those things that I do not get are not for my higher good, or do not serve me to have at this time. I surrender to my soul and the universe, and open to receive my higher good in all of its many forms and from its many sources.

I affirm that the universe is always working perfectly through me and for me. My heart is open and I trust myself and the universe to create the life I want to live.

With Love and Light