Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Whole New Phase of Consciousness

Whole New Phase of Consciousness
Important Message from Sanat Kumara
To All Lightworkers.

Greetings: I am Sanat Kumara. I am pleased to be with you beloveds as we enter a whole new era, a whole new phase of consciousness. I speak to you from a powerful meeting place on the planet, Shamballa. I speak to you with my council to share some information with you about the ascension of the Earth, the progress that is being made, and where we could use the focus and attention. We rely on you so much to assist with the ascension of the Earth.

Little do you know how important your Light and energy is to this whole planet. We have positioned you, every one of you, not just the Lightworkers here but also all of you, in strategic locations. From Shamballa, as well as from other places, we can actually see where you are and we know everyone of you. We know what you are doing, we know the progress that you are making, we know when you slide back a little, and we know when you get a little lazy. We also know how much your hearts have opened, particularly in the last 20 years in your earthly time. We know how much you want the planet to survive in the deepest sense of it because you know that the planet has been in severe jeopardy.

At least the rest of your planet is beginning to understand that it is not just a cushy ride and that you can keep going the way you have been going and have the Earth survive.

They are beginning to see that the Earth is a living being. They take the Earth for granted.

So we have positioned you in strategic locations because your energy, consciousness, your love, your heart, your DNA, your intentions are needed exactly where you are. We monitor this and we want you to know how much your Earth appreciates you. Bless her, bless your food, drink her water, bless the water, bless the body and bless each other. Every time you send your prayers to places where there have been earth changes you bless her. We will ask you to send some prayers tonight.

We bless you and appreciate you even more when you know that we are all working for the same cause, for the ascension of the planet and for the rising consciousness of sentient beings who are choosing to remain here. There is a choice. This not like sitting down and having a little tea party, beloveds. This is not to be taken lightly. This is a very, very important process and situation that is happening right now. That is one of the reasons we have called you to be here this evening, to hear these words.

Yes, as Masters we love to Lighten things up. We love to give love but we also need to impart the importance of this information about this process. You think you are doing a good job, which you are. But most of the beings on the Earth are just waking up to the global importance of what is occurring. So they are just beginning to see that the Earth is this vital living organism. They are starting to see how they have impacted this beautiful planet. My job is not just to oversee the Earth as she makes her ascension but also Venus. It is a big job. I have lots of help but it is a big job.

You see, beloveds, it is not just your Earth that is ascending, it is your solar system, your galaxy, and all of creation that is going through its ascension. Since the Earth is a primary focal point what happens here affects all at large. So you have been participating in something that is beyond your global reach, far beyond your global consciousness. You may think you are miniscule in this process but you are not because every thought affects your Light, every negative thought, every polarity affects your Light. We need you to keep not dimming your Lights, not hiding your Lights, but revealing your Lights in every way that you can. We are doing everything that we can to help you become more conscious of the power of your thoughts.

You are reaching more of the global consciousness because you are that power. Every time that you believe more and more of your potential ability to bring forth the greater manifestations, to hold your consciousness in the Light, to hold your consciousness in love, to keep your hearts open, to find a place of oneness and peace within amidst all of this change, you are doing your work.

As you open your hearts to those around you who don't understand what is going on, you will see that there are many who still don't understand and are asleep, as you know. Some of you are living with them or working with them. They are going to need you. We need you. We need your Light. That is why you are here. You wanted to bring your Light. So we are asking you at this point to amplify everything that you can do to heal. We are asking you as you go back in the past and think about things that have hurt you, the people who have hurt you, your childhoods, current hurts, all of these things and to let them go. When you focus on them over and over again what do you think happens? Does it stay and remain grueling or are you able to move through these old impressions, these old things that have been painful to you? Are you able to let them go? We are asking you to. We are asking you to let go of the fears and separations. We are asking you to see who you are as these BRIGHT, POWERFUL representations of the Light Realms, as walking living Masters on the Earth. We are asking you to remember this, to stop seeing yourself as small.

How are you doing in the ascension process? We have been giving you some pointers. I have asked you to focus. We in the Light Realms are giving you to uplift yourself to find joy and bliss in every day. Find the goodness even if it is just for the gift of life but there is so much more. The gift that you are to the Light Realms and to this Earth is beyond anything that you could comprehend about yourself because you would start diminishing what I am telling you. You have been told that were nothing for so long and I am telling you that this isn't true. The fact is that you are all something, something very big as a part of this grand scheme. And because of who you are you greatly desire to be here to participate at this time.

We applaud you. What it's going to take now for you, of course, as things become seemingly even more dense as you swim through this density, beloveds? Think of your self as a dolphin. We love the dolphin energy so much. Think of yourself as a dolphin swimming through humanity, through this density, through the fears, through whatever it is that is occurring. Your media is throwing out at you every fearful thing they can to hold back the Light, everything that they can to make you feel small. We ask you to just be the dolphins, to rise above, to swim above it. We need you to continue to maintain that higher consciousness, beloveds.

Every one of you should know by now that you are here to do very important work. If there is anyone in this room that thinks they are not here to do very important work then see me afterwards. We will talk. We will talk in meditation and we will talk in your dreams. We will get you up to speed because what I am telling you is the truth.

Do you know that in our council meetings in Shamballa that we pray for each other and for you? We pray and you do what you do. Our thoughts are more direct. They are more like what you call multi-dimensional. We pray for the whole array of Lightworkers. We have been doing this a lot lately because from our perspective we see that you are getting discouraged and caught up in certain things.

Right now at this point in the ascension process you should be becoming increasingly grateful and appreciative for your incarnation, for your connection with the Light, as well as, for this ascension process in which you are participating.

I am telling you all that life is looking favorably upon you. In your earthly views it won't be long before you have your ascension, before you have what you came here to do. We are so grateful.

You have done this before. The more that you can anchor in joy and bliss in your hearts it will serve you. You can experience a beautiful flower or appreciate a beautiful evening such as this one today in this lovely home. You can appreciate tasting this beautiful food, feeding the body healthfully, feeding the mind with beautiful thoughts and by being excited with all of the openings, the connections, inner connections and reconnections, with the members of the Light Realms. Whatever it is it is important to be grateful.

As we sit in Shamballa in our council meetings and as we pore over our notes, we look at the plans, the revisions. We look at who is waking up and who needs to wake up. We see where we need more energy, more Light, and where we need more love, as we look at what is happening on Earth. We work in tandem as Masters with the whole of creation. We work with extraterrestrials because they have the technology and equipment that assists the Earth to remain as steady as possible under the circumstances.

We are working on all levels to hold you steady and for you to hold yourselves steady, to help the Earth hold steady, to help all of creation in this situation. This Earth is a pivotal point for ascension for all of creation. So that is why I say that we take this ascension process very seriously. You should too. Take your path of Light, amplify it and make it ever more important. Don't waste your time.

Call for the transformation of your physical well being if you have health challenges. Call forth your well-being. You can have a perfectly radiant body if you allow yourself to go there in your thoughts. Let go of every thought that would limit you from having this no matter what your media would say, no matter what your physician would say, no matter what your books tell you. The Light is getting brighter and brighter. Your cellular structure is changing. You are taking in more and more Light so you are going to crowd out whatever doesn't fit. That doesn't mean that you don't have to co-operate mentally as well as physically, spiritually and emotionally. It doesn't mean that you don't have to co-facilitate this healing. Beloveds, in other incarnations and other places you have absolutely lived in the power of the Light and you will again. The more that you recognize this and realize this, beloveds; you don't need to let limitations get you down. You don't need to believe them.

Do you think that I sound like some of your evangelical preachers? You have probably had enough of that when you were children. But you are my family and I respond to you. I know and love every one of you. I want you to be empowered and to feel satisfied with who you are, where you are going and where the Earth is going. I want you to know that we need you to keep it up, to keep up the Light. Keep doing the right thing, letting go of everything that makes you feel less than or small.

In Deep Meditation: We are now going into the energies of Shamballa—breathing them in- the Kumaras, Hathors and the ascending Earth. Breathe in all of these energies into your hearts. Focus on the ascension energy . . .. Humanity will be having all of their needs met, health and well-being, joy. You will be talking to the animals and the animals will be talking to you. You will be talking to the flowers and the flowers will be talking to you. And the vegetables and birds will have things to say, and the babies and the trees and the

herbs . . . the Masters like myself. Of course, St. Germain, and the Archangels and the great Ancient Ones will walk the Earth again. The great beings will be walking the Earth again. The Earth will become a beautiful vacation spot. The Earth will be become peaceful and only those who are like this will be here. You will have exactly what you want including the splendor of the beauty. Your hearts will lead you in every choice that you make, every step that you take. It is going to be beautiful. You will not have burdens, beloveds. Burdens only come when you believe in limitation and duality. You will be free. Breathe in the truth. You will be telepathic and you will know each other's thoughts. You won't have to spend a minute trying to figure somebody out. You will know exactly what is the truth. We are opening that Golden Light and I will let you come to Shamballa. We have been anchoring the energy of ascension here too for a very long time. We are working very hard like those in Telos, as well as the inner earth beings and all of creation, because as above so below. So breathe in this joy of reunion. As you go through this ascension process hold the energy. Swim like the dolphins and rise above the earthly sphere of things that would make you feel other than like this. You will be able to come and go to other planetary systems. Other planetary systems will be coming and going here. Your souls and bodies will heal. Breathe in the Light.

As the planetary logos I (Sanat Kumara) will be happy because as you become this energy of ascension, it will make my job, which has at times seemed impossible, easier. It is important because this energy is so beautiful. That is why we are all here. We love you and we love the Earth. You will be able to come and go. You won't be in the third dimensional energy. You won't need your coinage any more. You won't have to buy things or worry about paying bills. There won't be any more garbage. It will put the garbage trucks out of business. No more blowers and noise pollution. So what do you think? Don't you think that your lives are worthwhile? It's so important to stay on track. I hope that you can keep this in your hearts tonight based on these energies that we have shared with you. You are special to us.

We congratulate you on 20 years of good work. It has been worthwhile and we could not have done it without you. At this point energy was sent to Peru, to the miners, to the wars, to the White House, and other places where Light is needed.

Beloveds, I have enjoyed being with you this evening. Thank you for your Light and for allowing me to share with you the importance of your Light work. Thank you for participating and for listening, for your beautiful prayers and consciousness. I will say good-bye for now.

Love & Thanks to
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With Love and Light

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Integrating the feminine as we prepare for what is ahead

Integrating the feminine is strongly upon us now, as we prepare for what is ahead. More about this and how it is affecting us can be found further along in this posting, but first, how did we get to this space in the first place?

As of this writing, we are nearing the lunar eclipse of Tuesday, August 28th. We have been given approximately 3 months to let go, let go, and let go of any old ideas, dreams, ego stances and perceptions about things, and who we thought we were. March of 2007 brought in some incredible and fast moving energy, we were able to manifest quickly and easily, which led us up to the summer solstice. With the advent of the solstice, we then began a process of going deep, purging and releasing, and really getting clear about what was truly important to us.

These are common and on-going phases of ascension, or our spiritual evolutionary process. And they will continue on in a predominant way for four or five more years (or into 2012). But of course, there is always room for change and a different time-line! When new energies arrive, we feel their impact immediately and at times dramatically, but then we are given the opportunity to integrate. This can take awhile, as this spiritual process see-saws over time, until each integration is compete. This is why it can seem that things are getting worse, when actually, they are really getting better. The residue of any darker and denser energies gets moved out over and over, until eventually there is very little density. The book The Ascension Primer explains this process and how it affects us in much more detail.

The lunar eclipse will be more of the same, but it will arrive as a wonderful support that will finalize this process for us. It will support the energy of “into the shadows and staying still.”

This was a LONG process. And during it all, we were being held back from moving forward. We were being held back in order to be protected from the darker and denser energies that were running rampant “out there.” We were under no uncertain circumstances allowed to be a part of them….only to observe until it was time for us to provide our needed service to humanity.

So in what forms have all these energies manifested for us and what stage are we currently experiencing?

When we are being held back, we can feel like we do not want to go anywhere, talk on the phone, be a part of any activities we are usually a part of, and basically just want to stay home. Not even put a toe out. This is because of our deep connection to Source and to our mission as lightworkers. We are all part of the same programming and of the same energy Source, and it knows exactly what it is doing.

Our energy then is about “staying in.” It is pulled back, it is withheld. And the outer energies are about the same. They are not currently moving ahead then, either.

So, while you have been held back, have you identified what you really and truly desire? Do you want to retire? Do you want to assist? Do you want to smell the roses? Do you think you have to do things? Is this where your motivation comes from? Or does it come from inspiration and joy? What is the most important thing to you? What really and truly matters and brings you the most peace?

So now, in comes the feminine energy. This is where we are now. We are really in the thick of it. And it is divinely different than what we have known on this planet in our current lifetimes.

In what forms is it manifesting itself? You may not want to do anything. The feminine is not about doing. It is about being. If we try and make anything happen right now, it can feel like navigating through quicksand. But there is a dual reason for the energy of exhaustion we may feel right now when we try and make something happen.

When the energies are “out,” as they currently are, we are not nearly as connected to Source. The higher we vibrate and evolve, the more we exist in a reality that is very connected to Source. But during the ascension process, the energies have periods of moving in and out. They are out when they are building….much like a tidal wave. And while they are out, we are always re-aligning and re-defining.

In the higher realms, Source is the creator, so then, we create easily and effortlessly. Things just seem to fall into our laps, our every thought seems to manifest immediately, and all is effortless with no struggle. This comes from a strong connection to Source without many blockages of density. This is when the energies are “in,” and they are “in” now for the majority of the time, as we have made much progress.

Because the energies are waning now, or “out,” this is creating a more distant connection to Source. We would then have to create from our own ego minds, or from our own individual selves. This is not the way of the higher realms, and this is why we become exhausted from trying, or why we may even simply have no desire to do a thing. We cannot do it all ourselves. It is not possible. We need the energy of Source as our partner, as well as our physical soul partners and teams.

So there is a dual situation occurring here during this phase. We are being held back and we are also integrating the feminine. In this way, we are truly being supported at each and every level. We are being protected and we are being prepared.

Other manifestations of integrating the feminine? We may have had the flu recently. Our cells are transmuting at deep levels, and this can cause exhaustion, muscle pain and pressure, a lot of neck discomfort, dizziness and weakness, and nausea. But the main physical manifestation of a deep integration of the higher feminine energies is abdominal pain and distress. Cramping, unusual menses, and just plain pain! Our bodies can really hurt from the ascension process. We may try to get on board with a regular physical exercise regime, and find that at times when an integration process occurs, we have to then suspend our exercise program. We simply do not have the energy reserves to keep on track with it. Ahhhhhhh….this ascension process! Up and down, up and down.

The feminine is also about basking and allowing. During this time, it can greatly help to simply do nothing. Rest. Be. Give yourself permission to take a break. What if you have a regular 3D job? You can turn off your home answer machine, do not answer your phone, stay off the internet, do not watch TV, and simply remove yourself from the outside world once you get home, or once you end your 3D job for the day. This can work wonders and really get one connected to the current energies that are manifesting for us. Unplug from the other world as much as you can during this time of being held back.

You can then do something creative, or simply do nothing. For the past two weeks (my husband is away fighting a wildfire…his last season), I have found the greatest way to be in alignment with the current energies is simply by lying still. No reading, creating, or even moving. Just lying there in the quiet. It feels awesome.

These higher vibrating feminine energies are affecting much. The west will be affected the most, as it has possessed much of the old masculine energies of power and aggressiveness. These old masculine energies are being broken down now in a very severe way. Within and without. As always, we are evolving within and without. And this is what is creating the great fall for much of our planet.

The solar eclipse of September 11th brings in a different scenario. It marks the true end of this period of going deep and letting go, but not of the fall. Everything basically stops and resets itself, as the sun again reveals itself to move forward with our new and more highly vibrating selves. And add that to the equinox of the 23rd, which always brings in the new, and we have much in the way of energetic supports from the cosmos, as we are all one indeed, using all of our energies to support the ascension process.

As of September, our new plans will begin to manifest once again. After having thrown out much of the old, in regard to cleaning out closets (literally!), re-aligning our purposes and desires with the new higher vibrating reality, or even really and truly fine tuning our soul purpose at this particular point in time, and especially throwing out the parts of ourselves that no longer fit with what is to come, we will then be ready to move forward into the new.

We will then be more fully entrenched within the new reality that we have created for ourselves. Our own special sanctuaries that reside as a reality within a reality will be secure and safe, as will we. The outside or old world will continue to fall, as we will watch and assist at times, but our own special worlds will be dramatically different than what the news is revealing to us. We will not be a part of the fall. We will be in an entirely different world.

Those that are still evolving at different levels may choose to hold onto and try to save the old, but it cannot be so. In time, those that wish to let go will do so, and there will be those who will welcome them with open arms into the world of the new, as they are shown a new way of being and living.

A separation that is more severe than ever before will envelope us now, but it is only a separation that results from a willingness on the part of those who choose another way or reality. Surrender is truly the key. This sounds like religious dogma, doesn’t it? But basically, it is all about letting go of as much of our ego selves as possible, and allowing as much Source as possible to embody itself within us. I suppose, we are all always saying the same thing. Separation only comes from a difference in vibrational levels, and at times from a difference in soul purpose.

As more natural disasters occur, and more begins to fall, unity will be the result, and this will also create more of a willingness within the masses to embrace something new and different. These natural disasters will support the unity of each area, as each area will vibrate differently according to its own special purpose. “Local” will be the new phrase. I talk a lot about this in Staying In Alignment, as utilizing as much local as possible places us in alignment with our own areas of residency and higher vibrating purpose… although we will begin to greatly separate as a planet, we will also begin to fine tune our “local,” and then eventually combine all the special energies of each and every “local” purpose in regard to the whole. Much of anything and everything that is in between these higher and specific vibrations will cease to exist.

Integrating the feminine now, will enable us to embody more compassion in times to come regarding the fall. The way to survive in a falling world, during brief visits, is to be in a state of love, understanding, and compassion. I believe this to be a tall order on a continuous basis, as there are not many who could achieve this feat in a continuous way, but by staying in our sacred spaces of high reality, and going “back” only sporadically, we can then maintain these states much easier if for a limited time. It can be difficult to maintain states of continual love and compassion when one is residing in the energy of the fall, as it can feel as though we are being beat on, attacked, dumped on, or even in the energy fields of great distress. And in addition, these lower vibrating energies are no longer a match to what we are now vibrating, and can feel downright unbearable and old!

There will be more on this in future energy alerts, as assisting will require a need to stay in our center, without reaching out. It may sound strange, but staying in our center, or in alignment, allows those who are willing, to come to us, or at least be open to us. We need not deliberately go out and try to help, unless we are being called, and we will be. Deliberately trying is the old masculine energy, and this is what we are fine tuning now. Staying still, allowing, being present, and not “reaching” is vitally important. This creates the perfect alignment that will be needed in times to come.

We can now practice being “still.” We can be in our center and in alignment. And when the forward moving energies again resume, we will once again be in perfect position with our new creations of heaven on Earth.

Wishing you Heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times.Until next time, Karen
Love and light Vivian

This is a pretty powerful message! As I am aware that the lunar eclipse has already taken place, there is so much more information about our planet and our ascension process that I felt it was important to share with all of you.
With Love and Light

Monday, August 27, 2007

The Power of Loving-Kindness

Excerpts from
Handbook for the Heart:
Original Writings on Love
by Benjamin Shield & Richard Carlson, Ph.D.

Chapter One
The Power of Loving-Kindness
By Sharon Salzberg

"There is a saying in the Buddhist tradition: 'You can explore the universe looking for somebody who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and you will not find that person anywhere.'" The power of love or loving-kindness has been denigrated in our culture. There's a sense that a loving person is abused, allows tyranny to reign without protest, and isn't strong. It's almost a sense that love is a weakness. Sometimes there is the idea that the loving heart makes people kind of smirky and sentimental — that because of love, they can't look at suffering clearly or at difficult things within themselves or in the world. I think we have to do a radical re-visioning and come to understand the power of the loving heart. Not only is it innate, but it cannot be destroyed, no matter what our life experience has been, no matter how many scars we bear, how much suffering we have gone through, or how unloved we have felt. We have the capacity to love and to receive love in return.

Living in fear is like being frozen. It's said that the Buddha taught love — particularly metta, loving-kindness — as the antidote to fear. There is a beautiful line in a poem by Mary Oliver: "When the thumb of fear lifts, we are so alive." We're oppressed by our fears, our judgments, our guilt — guilt being considered in the Buddhist psychology a quality of self-hatred — and when that oppression lifts, we are so alive. That's the force of love. Sometimes, if we're fortunate, we experience this love with another person. We might have one being in our life who is a model of unconditional love, so that we don't fear rejection if we're truly honest with this person or if we don't present ourselves in a certain way. We have enormous respect for this person, who means safety and maybe clarity — not mushiness or a phony veneer or an inability to look at difficult and painful things. This person may perceive the difficulty and pain in us, but there is the feeling that he or she views them alongside us, rather than from across some enormous gulf of separation. That is really the essence of a loving heart — the understanding of our nonseparateness.

There is a saying in the Buddhist tradition: "You can explore the universe looking for somebody who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and you will not find that person anywhere." We ourselves are as deserving of our love and affection as anyone else. A spiritual practice based on self-hatred can never sustain itself. We have to begin with loving ourselves, being able to embrace all parts of ourselves as well as all parts of the world, in order to understand our capacity to love. The Buddha said, "If you truly loved yourself, you would never harm another." Harming another is like harming ourselves. Buddhist psychology distinguishes between the force of guilt and the force of remorse — remorse being a full consciousness and sensitivity that we've hurt somebody. Feeling that pain, we let go and then have the energy to move on. Guilt is something else entirely — a continual rehashing of some event, mental flagellation, with tremendous self-hatred. It leaves us strained and exhausted, without the energy to go on and be different.

If self-judgment, criticism, and self-hatred were liberating, we would all have been freed long ago. I don't have anything against those mind states personally — except that they simply don't work. Don't get me wrong; I don't have a philosophical stance that we have to love ourselves, but the fact is, love works and hatred doesn't. Self-hatred may not arise from anything in particular — it may just be a sense of personal humiliation about the fact that we grow older, get sick or disabled, feel that we failed, get angry, or get jealous. We can easily hate, judge, and condemn, but unfortunately, it doesn't end the problems — in some strange way, it intensifies them. The Buddha said, "Develop a mind so filled with love, it resembles space." We use the words mind and heart synonymously; the meaning is to develop a heart so filled with love that it resembles space, which can't be marred, can't be ruined — just as if someone were standing in a room throwing paint around in the air. There's nowhere in space for the paint to land. We can develop a mind or heart so filled with love that it's like space —boundless, open, vast, free. Any amount of paint, any irritant, any inner or outer trouble, won't land.

Recently I was in Israel teaching a forgiveness meditation. During the session, someone said he had survived a terrorist attack — he still had some bullets in his body and was in constant pain. He said he didn't think it was possible to forgive, but he did know it was essential to learn to stop hating. It's clear that if we don't stop hating, nobody will. It has to start with us because not only are we ourselves suffering horribly from the limitation and burning of all that anger, but the world is never going to change unless one person somewhere starts to stop hating.

We develop a loving heart by some form of meditation practice, a process distinct from reading about something or admiring it in a distant way. By meditating for even five minutes a day on a pragmatic level, so that it's not theoretical or even devotional, we can see for ourselves, "What happens when I say this phrase or do this reflection on everybody wanting to be happy? What happens when I sit down for five minutes and wish myself love and safety and peace? What happens when I think of this person I care about so much and am grateful to, or when I think of somebody I really don't like and reflect on the fact that he or she also wants to be happy?" It's an experiment. Sometimes people feel odd — when they undertake a practice of a loving heart — they think it's artificial and it seems mechanical, but in fact, it's not. I often use the example of planting seeds through harnessing the force of our intention, like planting our garden of love. It will definitely blossom, but we have to take those first steps, to risk or be willing to explore what kind of development can occur in the loving heart.

One technique I like is developing metta toward a neutral person. It's interesting because sometimes we have difficulty finding a neutral person. As soon as we think of someone, we have an instant judgment about liking or disliking this person. That's an important revelation. It lets us see that we have an enormous number of neutral people in our lives on whom we've imposed judgments. This can come as a shock to us. It's interesting to consider someone about whom we have no story — just a generic living being, wanting to be happy, like all of us — and offering the same care and cherishing we've just offered ourselves and perhaps someone we love deeply. A sense of separation falls away. Some people, in intensive metta during a retreat, contemplate a neutral person and actually have the feelings of falling in love! Not romantically, but in terms of a loving friendship. One of the tremendous understandings of spiritual practice is the power of the mind. Although we all live in the same world, our individual reality is a function not only of external events but of how they're held in our hearts — the degree of space in our hearts, the vastness or constriction, the contraction or openness of the mind receiving the external events. The spiritual perspective is not that we're sitting in traffic and are really angry and are trying to pretend we're not. Instead, it's an openness to what we're actually feeling; to understanding suffering; to having a great deal of love, kindness, and compassion for ourselves — not being stuck in that first reaction of anger. It's having options, choices — which is what an open heart means, as opposed to a narrow one — and realizing we can look at matters a different way.

In Lovingkindness, I tell a story about my friend Sylvia Boorstein being on a plane that developed a problem with its hydraulic system. It had to return to the airport, and every five minutes the pilot would announce the countdown over the PA system, "Thirty-five minutes left to land ... thirty minutes left to land." The whole time, Sylvia was consciously doing a loving-kindness practice for the people in her immediate family, enveloping them with care and concern and acknowledging her connection to all of them. When the pilot got on the PA system and said, "We have five minutes before we land," Sylvia realized that in five minutes she might be dead. She resumed her loving-kindness practice and found there was no way in the world she could limit herself to opening her heart to just her immediate family. The only thing she could do at that moment, when she might have only five minutes to live, was to open her heart to all beings everywhere. This was without any contrivance or force or pretentiousness and is not a fabricated decision like "Now I am a very spiritual person and therefore I will love all beings"; nor does it mean that if we're really seething with rage or filled with fear, we're somehow going to overlay a nice little veneer and pretend and be smiling all the time. It's not that at all. Metta is the moment Sylvia had when the sense of "us and them" crumbled. it was born of the understanding that she might soon be dead — so why bother upholding all those boundaries and barriers? With the collapse of those boundaries, the effortless, natural love for all beings wells up. That's the moment we look for. That's the moment when we are so alive.

Our practice shows us our own strength. Very early on, one of my teachers said something wonderful to me: "The Buddha's enlightenment solved the Buddha's problems; now you solve yours." Our practice shows us that "I do have the wisdom, I do have the strength, I do have the loving capacity, in real-time, real-life situations, to look at things in a different way." That's what our practice gives us.

With Love and Light

Copyright © 1998 by Richard Carlson and Benjamin Shield
Excerpt posted with permission from
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Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Law of Attraction Amplified with EFT

Law of Attraction - Amplified
Category: Life
By Carol Look, EFT Master

If you want to attract more success and abundance into any area of your life, you need to change your vibration first. That's the simple and only rule you need to follow. Your vibration must be lined up with (or "match") your desires (money, a relationship, a stronger body) in order for emotional and physical results to follow and show up in your physical life. What is your vibration? Your vibration represents your current emotion, the essence of how you are "humming", or the "level" of your mood and feeling about any topic.

The fastest and easiest way I have found to help you improve your vibration is using EFT. No matter where you are emotionally, using EFT can change how you feel about any subject. Changing your feeling from despair to hopefulness or from resentment to peace would do wonders for improving your vibration. When your vibration is "higher" or lighter or more appreciative, you are naturally more tuned in to the desires you want in your life. And while anger, hurt, resentment or bitterness are all legitimate feelings, when experiencing these emotions repeatedly, you are vibrating in a place that will NOT attract what you want into your life. While I like to wallow every once in a while, dwelling on negative feelings does not empower you and of course, does nothing to resolve any situation. Enter EFT

EFT and Law of Attraction:

Many of you have already read my article series on EFT and Law of Attraction: A Perfect Match. I have no doubt that these two processes are the best combination of tools available for becoming more successful. The Law of Attraction is always working, so it's not really a process or technique, but we fail to see our blocks that cause us to magnetize the "wrong" situations or destructive relationships into our life. Law of Attraction is operating all the time, it is just often misdirected if and when we give it the wrong or unclear instructions.

When we are focused on what we are frustrated with or on what we resent instead of on our goals and how good we will feel imagining how we will feel when we get there, Law of Attraction will still work perfectly. The only problem is you have aimed it at the wrong target (or fed it the wrong information)! Using EFT helps us point the Law of Attraction towards what we want, much like Gary Craig's use of the Reminder Phrase that helps focus our minds on the issue we need to focus upon.

So again, the Law of Attraction is turned on 24 hours a day, but it's our job to direct it towards our goals or we will be disappointed with the results. How do you feed this "LAW" the right directions when it is so tempting and easy to focus on something you don't want (the extra weight, the bills, ill health etc)? Change your vibration with EFT.

EFT is the best technique I have found (and I have tried zillions…) to help reduce the feelings and conflicts that are in the way of opening a clear channel for attracting your desires. When you clear your blocks with EFT, the Law of Attraction will bring you opportunities and experiences you have been wanting without much effort. I know, you too were taught that anything worth having will take years of hard work and trouble…when you experiment with using EFT with the Law of Attraction you'll see that life may not have to be such a struggle. (A common limiting belief to clear with EFT.)

Your Vibration Comes First:

So again: You won't make progress in your life unless your vibration is positive, focused and clear, and you are "lined up" or in synch with the vibration of your desires –whether you want more money, better relationships, perfect business opportunities, or a healthier body etc. In other words, if you want to be thin, you can't be focusing on how fat you are, how you hate your legs, or how you are repulsed by your body etc. If you want to have more money, you can't be focused on your monthly bills, your doubts about your business, or your current debts. If you want better health, you can't focus on your pain or your diagnosis. While some of these realities may be technically true, and are present in your life, you must be focused on what you want instead of the "truth" of what is staring you in the face. This isn't about denial. This is about choosing your focus.

So the Law of Attraction is fueled by the emotions generated by what you are focused on. It is actually quite a mechanical recipe. So you must be excited and expectant about the prospect of meeting the right business partners, attracting the right clients, reaching your goal weight, rather than on which relationship you can't wait to leave, what situation you hope to rid yourself of, or what debts you are trying to pay off.

So if we are instructed to focus on "the problem" (what we don't want) when we perform the basic recipe of EFT, why isn't this counterproductive to using the Law of Attraction to our advantage?

When we are using EFT, we are treating the real vibration we have going on in our body and mind. We're not pretending to be happy when we're not (which offers conflicting vibrations to the Universe) we're not acting as if everything is "fine" when we're deeply anxious about a situation, and we're not glossing over the truth with affirmations that we don't "buy." We are dealing with our current vibration head-on, neutralizing it, and clearing the way for more positive vibrations that the Universe can then "hear" and act upon. If there's too much static, your message won't be sent.

Picture yourself on TV, talking to an audience, and telling the audience exactly what you want to attract into your life. Picture yourself looking excited, stating what you want, telling the audience what you are hoping will manifest. Sounds ok, right? But what carries far more weight than the words you are speaking to the audience is the "subtitles" at the bottom of the screen!! What are your subtitles? What are you really communicating on a deeper level energetically?
Suppose you want to attract a new romantic relationship, and you are telling your "audience" how much you want this, how excited you are about this possibility, and how you hope you will be able to meet him/her sometime soon. At the bottom of your screen, you are most likely using "energetic subtitles" such as "But I don't really believe this…" or "I remember how I got dumped last time…" or "I'll only get hurt again, so why am I bothering to put myself out there?…" The Universe "hears" and picks up your subtitles, not your words. This is why it's so critical to use EFT to deal with the actual vibration that is going on inside of you right now. This clears the decks and prepares you for attracting what you keep insisting you want, even as you complain of how it eludes you.

Too often what people are doing is pretending they don't feel angry, hurt, sad or hopeless, and this pretending only reinforces the actual vibration going on inside of you. (In the above example, I recommend you use EFT for the past hurts from your relationships, the doubts about the future, about being too old, not ______ enough, and collapse these obstacles and THEN you will communicate congruence when you ask the Universe for what you want!)
What's critical to remember is that what you are FEELING is what you are vibrating or communicating to the Universe. Your words don't matter if your vibration is communicating something different. So if you want to use EFT to attract a new love interest, but your "vibration" is stuck on the last breakup you suffered, that's where you will "be" energetically, and the Universe will pick that up, interpret it as "I want more of these negative people because I am focused on them" and will deliver another mate just like the last one. He or she will just be from another city or country, but will have the same vibration.

So our work is to change our vibration first, then what we want can flow into our lives.
In preparation for parts 2-5 of this series, I offer this EFT round to get you started on collapsing limiting beliefs that may be blocking you from getting what you want:

Karate chop point: Even though I'm convinced life must be a struggle, that's what they taught me, I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself anyway…Even though they taught me that life has to be a struggle, it can't be easy, I accept who I am and what I believe…Even though I'm very skeptical about this Law of Attraction stuff, I deeply and profoundly accept all of my feelings and where they came from.

EYEBROW: I am convinced that my life has to be difficult.

SIDE OF EYE: I'm sure there are no "easy" ways.

UNDER EYE: They taught me it will always be hard.

NOSE: Life has to be a struggle.

CHIN: That's how it has always been.

COLLARBONE: I wonder if that has anything to do with what they taught me?

UNDER ARM: I wonder if I am ready to change?

HEAD: Life has to be a struggle, and it always has been.

EYEBROW: I used to think life had to be difficult.

SIDE OF EYE: I'm very skeptical of easy paths.

UNDER EYE: Doesn't life have to be miserable?

NOSE: Isn't it always hard to make money unless you are already rich?

CHIN: What if there is an easier way?

COLLARBONE: What if I haven't been taught it yet?

UNDER ARM: Maybe I've been doing it wrong all along.

HEAD: I am willing to consider a new possibility.

Karate chop point:
Even though I've been working too hard for no reward all my life, and I resent it, I accept who I am and why I've been working this way…Even though I didn't know there was a better way, I accept my feelings and all of me…Even though there's a part of me that's still skeptical, I choose to be open to trying something new.

EYEBROW: I've been working too hard.

SIDE OF EYE: I knew something was wrong with this formula.

UNDER EYE: Maybe life doesn't have to be a struggle.

NOSE: It was for them.

CHIN: Maybe they didn't know better.

COLLARBONE: I think they just taught me what they knew.

UNDER ARM: I'm considering trying something new.

HEAD: Maybe life doesn't have to be such a struggle.

EYEBROW: I have decided to relax and allow abundance into my life.

SIDE OF EYE: I have decided it's ok to feel good about money.

UNDER EYE: Maybe I didn't know better, but I'm willing to do it differently.

NOSE: I choose a new path.

CHIN: I love feeling excited about changing my vibration.

COLLARBONE: I choose to focus on what I want.

UNDER ARM: I'm looking forward to the changes showing up in my life.

HEAD: I appreciate who I am and how I got here.

If you are unfamilar with the positions to tap on.....I have posted on my blog the video which demonstrates HOW to use this wonderful tapping technique....or email me and I will put it up on the bulletin again!

Stay tuned for parts 2-5 of this series, covering The Vibration of Successful Weight Loss, Financial Abundance, Continued Financial Success, and the Vibration of Pain Relief.

With Love and Light

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Move From Fear to Action, Even if You Expect to Fail

Move From Fear to Action, Even if You Expect to Fail

When a resolute young fellow steps up to the great bully, the world, and takes him boldly by the beard, he is often surprised to find it comes off in his hand, and that it was only tied on to scare away the timid adventurers.- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Most of our obstacles would melt away if, instead of cowering before them, we should make up our minds to walk boldly through them.- Orison Swett Marden

Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air.- John Quincy Adams

Now that you've acknowledged some things you've been afraid to face, how do you feel? You probably still feel paralyzed against taking action. That's OK. While diving right in and confronting a fear head-on can be very effective, that may require more courage than you feel you can summon right now.

The most important point I want you to learn from this article is that real courage is a mental skill, not an emotional one. Neurologically it means using the thinking neocortex part of your brain to override the emotional limbic impulses. In other words, you use your human intelligence, logic, and independent will to overcome the limitations you've inherited as an emotional mammal.

Now this may make logical sense, but it's far easier said than done. You may logically know you're in no real danger if you get up on a stage and speak in front of 1000 people, but your fear kicks in anyway, and the imaginary threat prevents you from volunteering for anything like this. Or you may know you're in a dead end job, but you can't seem to bring yourself to say the words, "I quit."

Courage, however, doesn't require that you take drastic action in these situations. Courage is a learned mental skill that you must condition, just as weight training strengthens your muscles. You wouldn't go into a gym for the first time and try to lift 300 pounds, so don't think that to be courageous you must tackle your most paralyzing fear right away.

There are two methods I will suggest for building courage. The first approach is analogous to progressive weight training. Start with weights you can lift but which are challenging for you, and then progressively train up to heavier and heavier weights as you grow stronger. So tackle your smallest fears first, and progressively train up to bigger and bigger fears. Training yourself to lift 300 pounds isn't so hard if you've already lifted 290. Similarly, speaking in front of an audience of 1000 people isn't so tough once you've already spoken to 900.

So grab a piece of paper, and write down one of your fears that you'd like to overcome. Then number from one to ten, and write out ten variations of this fear, with number one being the least anxiety-producing and number ten being the most anxiety-producing. This is your fear hierarchy. For example, if you're afraid of asking someone out on a date, then number one on your list might be going out to a public place and smiling at someone you find attractive (very mild fear). Number two might be smiling at ten attractive strangers in a single day. Number ten might be asking out your ideal date in front of all your mutual friends, when you're almost certain you'll be turned down flat and everyone in the room will laugh (extreme fear). Now start by setting a goal to complete number one on your list. Once you've had that success (and success in this case simply means taking action, regardless of the outcome), then move on to number two, and so on, until you're ready to tackle number ten or you just don't feel the fear is limiting you anymore. You may need to adjust the items on your list to make them practical for you to actually experience. And if you ever feel the next step is too big, then break it down into additional gradients. If you can lift 290 pounds but not 300, then try 295 or even 291. Take this process as gradually as you need to, such that the next step is a mild challenge for you but one you feel fairly confident you can complete. And feel free to repeat a past step multiple times if you find it helpful to prepare you for the next step. Pace yourself.

By following this progressive training process, you'll accomplish two things. You'll cease reinforcing the fear/avoidance response that you exhibited in the past. And you'll condition yourself to act more courageously in future situations. So your feelings of fear will diminish at the same time that your expression of courage grows. Neurologically you'll be weakening the limbic control over your actions while strengthening the neocortical control, gradually moving from unconscious mouse-like to conscious human-like behavior.

The second approach to building courage is to acquire additional knowledge and skill within the domain of your fear. Confronting fears head-on can be helpful, but if your fear is largely due to ignorance and lack of skill, then you can usually reduce or eliminate the fear with information and training. For example, if you're afraid to quit your job and start your own business, even though you'd absolutely love to be in business for yourself, then start reading books and taking classes on how to start your own business. Spend an afternoon at your local library researching the subject, or do the research online. Join the local Chamber of Commerce and any relevant trade organizations in your field. Attend conferences. Build connections. Enlist the help of a mentor. Build your skill to the point where you start to feel confident that you could actually succeed, and this knowledge will help you act more boldly and courageously when you're ready. This method is especially effective when a large part of your fear is due to the unknown. Often just reading a book or two on the subject will be enough to dispel the fear so that you're able to take action.

These two methods are my personal favorites, but there are many additional ways to condition yourself to overcome fear, including neuro-linguistic programming, implosion therapy, systematic desensitization, and self-confrontation. You can research them via an online search engine if you wish to learn such methods and increase the number of fear-busting tools in your arsenal. Most of these can be easily self-administered (implosion therapy is the notable exception).

The exact process you use to build courage isn't important. What's important is that you consciously do it. Just as your muscles will atrophy if you don't regularly stress them, your courage will atrophy if you don't consistently challenge yourself to face down your fears. In the absence of this kind of conscious conditioning, you'll automatically become weak in both body and mind. If you aren't regularly exercising your courage, then you are strengthening your fear by default; there is no middle ground. Just as your muscles automatically atrophy from lack of use, so your courage will automatically decay in the absence of conscious conditioning.
Now this may sound overly gloomy, so here's a positive way to look at it. Heavy weights can be a physical burden, but they are helpful tools to build strong muscles. You would not look at a 45-pound dumbbell and say, "Why must you be so heavy?" It is what it is. Heaviness is your thought, not an intrinsic property of the dumbbell itself. Similarly, do not look at the things you fear and say, "Why must you be so scary?" Fear is your reaction, not a property of the object of your anxiety.

Fear is not your enemy. It is a compass pointing you to the areas where you need to grow. So when you encounter a new fear within yourself, celebrate it as an opportunity for growth, just as you would celebrate reaching a new personal best with strength training.

With love and light

Compliments of Steve Pavlina

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Process of Love

The Process of Love

The goal of our spiritual journey is to reconnect to our Source, the innermost spiritual part of us where only one energy exists, unconditional love. We start our lives with a vague memory of this type of love, which is all accepting, all knowing and all caring and we spend much of our lives trying to reconnect with it. That search can take many forms as we try to create it with family, friends and romantic relationships. We can try to create it from exterior sources as we enhance our material world or improve our image. We believe that if we have love we will be happy and without it we are unhappy. What we do not understand is that love is a process and the path to unconditional love begins with our willingness to give and receive it from everyone, beginning with our self.

Most people do not consider whether or not they love themselves and if you asked them the answered would probably be an embarrassed “yes’ or ‘of course I do’. But the truth is that most people do not love themselves. When they look at themselves they don’t see perfection, they see all of their mistakes, regrets, insecurities and fears. They see the flaws, faults, imperfections and where they are not good enough. It is probably easier for someone to describe to you what is wrong with them than what is right with them. We all do this. We can see the extra weight, the wrinkles, point out how we are too short or too tall, aren’t educated or smart enough or successful. But if we are to move towards love, we must be willing to see ourselves as God does, existing in total perfection and learn to love ourselves.

Whether or not we have a romantic relationship tends to determine how lovable we feel we are. It is as if we must see our ‘lovability’ reflected in someone else. So if we do not have a partner (and the Shift has put many of us in that situation) we simply forget about love altogether and get on with the rest of our lives, ignoring that longing to be connected with someone which is really our inner longing for reconnection to the Source. The link that we create between romantic and unconditional love limits our ability to recognize that love is always available to us, whether or not we believe that it is manifested in our reality in the form of a loving, romantic relationship. But whether we can love and to be loved by someone else is a reflection of our ability and willingness to love ourselves.

Whatever is occurring in our reality is a reflection of how much we love ourselves. Each person and situation mirrors our degree of self love and acceptance back to us. No matter how difficult the situation, its purpose is to discover where we do not love or value ourselves. When we understand the process of love we can change any situation by stepping out of fear and into unconditional love for ourselves. When we do this we focus our energy and intention on creating more than a single change, we activate our Source connection so that every aspect of our lives mirrors unconditional love back to us.The process of love begins with loving ourselves, then we can invite love from others and create a reality that mirrors our unconditional love back to us.

When we do not operate within this dynamic we are trying to work against the energy of the Universe and find ourselves in situations where nothing works out, no one appreciates or loves us and our lives are not very happy or fulfilling. We can get caught in a spiral of negativity and believe that we are not lovable when the real message is for us to love ourselves more.The Universe never withholds its love or support from us. We are the ones who do not remember that connection. The unconditional love that is our divine heritage is always there for us. The message from the Source is that we are always loved unconditionally, supported and provided for. When we remember and reconnect we step into the flow of the unconditional love and everything becomes possible. Then we can live the miraculous lives that have been promised to us, we can receive the love from others that we have been longing for and create the reality of our dreams by simply remembering that we are loved.

With love and Light

About the authorJennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel. Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel. Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email for information.Article Copyright © 2007 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

A Prayer of Thanks to the Universal Light

A Prayer of Thanks to the Universal Light by Rose One Heart

Dear Universal Light,
I send my silent thoughts of love and appreciation to you now.
I offer my thanks to the light and all its aspects of energy.
I am truly grateful for your constant guidance, communication and the
many experiences that I have received and completed with your help.

Thank you for the gracious support, constant love and
patience that I know is forever mine.
I wish to send my loving thoughts to all aspects of the light
that are helping and preparing the planet for its ascension.
I know that you work not for praise but because of your
fondness for our souls and the tenderness that you feel towards this planet. I am aware and understand that I am constantly ascending, I ask you to assist
my ascension process, imparting more wisdom and understanding
to not just my soul but to the world of souls
that exist by my side on the earth.

I am aware of the new wondrous energy that the light is sending to the planet
now and I draw this new high vibrational energy into my heart, mind
and my being as a whole. I welcome the energy of the universal light
and its wisdom, I ask that it may educate, inspire
and remind me of my true form. I wish to welcome all kingdoms of the
loving light back into my life and onto the earth.
May you come with peace and love as well as
forgiveness for us now and for our past.

I acknowledge the presence of each kingdom and
understand that in past years your soul group may
have been abandoned, abused or forgotten for this I
send you healing. Please grace us once more with
your love and wisdom for we are becoming ready as a
planet to understand it again.

My blessings are sent to mother earth.
I send you healing gracious lady and thank you
for allowing me to experience a physical form,
without your presence these lessons would be impossible to achieve.

I thank you for the balance that you bring to my body
and soul as well as the food that you produce to nourish us.
I am sorry that we repay you so badly and hope that
in time we will come to offer you the respect that you deserve.

I send my healing rays also to the beings that inhabit the planet earth;
the animals and plants.
I am truly honoured to have the life that I live;
I am honoured to be apart of and work with such wonderful
beings and guides of the light on behalf of the creator.

May we always be connected and may you always
shine your light on this planet and in my heart.
My thanks are given to you my wondrous friends
and companions of the light.

May we walk hand in hand, growing and ascending together.
May we also work closely together in order to save the planet
from destruction and rebuild it with love and light.


This is a prayer that you can read silently as many times as you wish.
Sometimes we forget to say thank you to our guides and
the universal light so this is a special way of giving your appreciation.
It will also draw to you the new energy that flows into the earth now,
drawing new helpers as well as experiences to your side. The prayer is also inviting many kingdoms back into our world.

Many have been banished from earth because of the knowledge that
they hold and the light connection that they have with the creator.
Once people in past years feared that with the help of these beings
we would ascend beyond levels and live a life of pure loving bliss,
they feared that they would not have control over the masses because
we would be masters of our own being.

It is time to allow the kingdoms of the light to re-enter but to also
send love and healing to those with darker influences
who fear their presence on the earth.
I hope that you find this prayer helpful,

Archangel Michael

With Love and Light

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Symptoms of Energy Shifts & Ascension

Thanks & Blessings To:
love and blessings to~

When the crown chakra opens or expands it can be an intense and painful experience. It might feel like a spike or rod is being inserted. Headaches are common and they can range from migraines, to cluster headaches. Women seem to experience them more than men. They can be caused by too much energy flowing through the crown chakra, and by hormonal changes which occurs when the chakras are stimulated. Sometimes the pain can be eased by asking Spirit and your Higher Self to make an adjustment in the energy flow. When you ask for aid to ease the pain and it is part of the process that is opening and expanding your pineal or pituitary gland, the pain will only lessen. As your vibrational rate increases, the pineal and the pituitary glands expand to accommodate the higher energy frequencies. Other glands change also, but these two are the major ones that contribute to headaches. This can last a few months, or a few years depending on what level of spiritual development that you are at and your rate of growth.

This is quite common and part of the process. Just ride it out and don..t take antibiotics which will only prolong the process. These symptoms are caused by the physical body reaction to the toxins that are released when the chakras begin to expand. What ever was constricting or congesting the chakras is flushed through the blood. Also new beliefs and paradigms are enacted the imprinted consciousness in the blood becomes toxic to the physical system because it does not support the new thoughts and contributes to confusion. It is helpful to supplement the body with blood fortifying enzymes, herbs and essential oils to ease the symptoms. Hot lemon drinks will also help cleanse the body. Don't work too much during this time, because you are going through a major shift in vibration. Try and take it easy, and it will pass.

This is a common reaction when the solar plexus chakra opens and releases the stored fear, anger and resentment held in the area. Karmic and family issues will produce gas and farting. The Bach Flower Rescue Remedy can ease these symptoms. Don't be afraid to take it every 30 minutes if necessary.

Increasing your vibration forces the energy through the body. When there are blockages impeding the energy flow this raised and forced energy slams into them causing these symptoms and ails. Often this is alleviated by asking for assistance from the Higher Self to adjust the flow to ease the pain. The body can quickly adjust to the higher vibration in a few moments, hours, or days.

A very common symptom caused by an increased rate of vibration. This higher frequency forces any illnesses, viruses, or infections hiding in the body to surface. To discover the root-cause contributing to this state examine your beliefs and decisions that are creating your reality. It is also important to monitor your internal dialogue to learn what you are creating for yourself. Observing and realizing the state you are experiencing is not cause by the present allows it to quickly pass. The herb "St. Johns Wart" eases depression and is anti-viral too.

When blockages from this lifetime, and other lifetimes began to release the emotional body will react in this manner. The Photon Belt energy stimulates and contributes to the spontaneous release of these burdens. Trying to control or resists these urges further represses and blocks the energy making things more difficult. Crying, moaning, sobbing or toning becomes a cleansing release. Use a Bach flower remedy, or an essential oil to help with the emotional body.

This is a symptom experienced when the heart chakra begins to open or enlarge to receive more energy. Pain sensations in the heart and not being able to breath can be very frightening because you may think you are having a heart attack. The above symptoms are caused by the expansion of energy running through your solar plexus and heart chakra (heart and stomach area). The best solution is to relax which will adjust the energy flow. Anxiety and fear only constricts the energy thus, causing a more severe reaction. This is a normal experience when undergoing a frequency increase.

These are commonly experienced by both men and women. This is due to energy flowing too quickly through the body, hormonal changes, which men have too, and the body learning to adjust to the higher vibratory rate. Some men might experience fat being stored in this area which might feel like they are growing breasts. If you are a man don..t be concerned about this, because this puffiness in the chest area will only last for a short while.

Waking in the morning and struggle to get out of bed after a full night of sleep, or falling asleep in the middle of the afternoon is common. This is caused when the energy is shifting throughout the whole spiritual body. This will pass in time, each person has a different time frame for some it can be weeks, for others months, for others years. If you can create a pyramid structure to sit under this will give you wonderful boosts of energy when you are lacking it. Drink lots of pure water to hydrate the cells, add crystals to energize the water. Eat light meals with organic veggies. Doing light physical exercise will stimulate the energy flow through the body. Bach remedies, flower essences and essential oils will also help the transition.

You go early to bed, exhausted, but in a couple of hours you are wide. This is caused by the Photon Belt energy accumulating around you, because the body..s inability to store the energy because it is blocked and congested. It is important not to get up and be active because the energy is for healing all the subtle bodies spiritual, mental, emotional and physical, the best way to assimilate the energy is to quietly sit and read, watch TV, or listen to meditation tapes to help you go back to sleep. This might seem to occur nightly for some time.

This is a very common complaint. The body feels like it is being invaded so it adds a layer of protection. If you are a Lightworker than additional water is needed to create energy. If you don..t have enough water the body will store water, which ultimately leads to stagnation. Another major factor is that with the activation of new DNA fat is needed to hold the vibration. Body fat holds a higher vibration which is necessary to generate healing and channeling energy. Many of you also have agreed to anchor grids of light in the areas surrounding where you live. Anchoring these grids require body fat to help hold the energy. Body fat serves a very loving purpose as it allows embodiments to assist mother earth in holding her vibration. In becoming crystalline, the body fat is evenly distributed around every cell within the embodiment. This allows the entire body to act as a tuning fork to hold a new vibration.

This can be a frightening experience because you cannot remember what you had for dinner, and dinner was only an hour away. YOU ARE NOT LOSING YOUR MEMORY. You are changing over from left brain function to more of a right brain function. Areas of the brain are being activated to cope with the higher energy coming in. Sometimes it is hard to speak, words come out jumbled or garbled, this situation will pass, there is no time limit on this.

As you open up to the higher vibration, you will find yourself becoming extremely sensitive to people, noises, light, smells, tastes, all sorts of things. This can affect the central nervous system and can be quite a difficult thing to cope with. You do need to take B vitamins and a multi vitamin if this is happening to you. If you are allergic to these vitamins then look for a homeopathic remedy or a Bach flower remedy for extreme sensitivity.

If this is happening to you, then you are really reaching a very high vibratory rate and will probably be a profound healer or channel for spirit. It is due to extremely high energy coming into the physical form. It could be described as 50,000 volts of electricity coming in at once, not only can the body not cope, but it goes through the body and out again and as it does so it affects all electronic equipment.

You will find that dogs and cats and other animals will become aware of your energy and be frightened of it or want to be around it all the time. Many animals can't get enough of the energy. Others are somewhat frightened because they do not understand it.

As you vibrate higher, you will find that you no longer want the things that you used to. Coffee, tea and meat are just three of the dietary changes that people make as they begin to vibrate faster. Meat is especially dense and can really affect the body's energy, especially if it has hormones in it. You may develop cravings for certain foods, or go off your favorite foods. This is normal and a part of the change to the higher vibration. If you find this happening, then let it happen and explore the new possibilities.


Also, the changes to our physiological make-up are currently speeding up and there are many temporary physical symptoms that are occurring in our bodies as a consequence of this. Some of these are:

Flu-like symptoms. High temperatures, sweating, aching bones and joints etc, but which do not respond to antibiotics. Migraine headaches with severe pain that is not relieved with pain killers. Occasional diarrhea. Occasional runny nose and sneezing which lasts 24 hours and is not a cold or hayfever. Dizziness. Ringing in the ears. Heart palpitations. Feeling the whole body vibrate, especially at night when one is in a relaxed state. Intense muscular spasms and pain in one or more areas of the body. Tingling in arms, hands, legs or feet. Temporary loss of muscular power in the body caused by changes to the circulatory system. Occasional breathing difficulties, and/or noticing stronger or louder breathing when in a relaxed state. Immune system changes. Tenderness in the breasts and/or genitals. Lymphatic system changes. Changes to skin tone and colour. Feeling tired or exhausted from minor exertion. Wanting to sleep longer and more often than usual. Toe nails and hair growing quicker than usual. Bouts of depression for no real reason. Finding that one is delving into the past, looking at relationships and gaining clarity on personal issues. Feeling one is doing a huge purge. Tension, anxiety and high stress levels because one feels that something is going on but one doesn't know what it is. Some of these symptoms are being felt by a great many people. Many are rushing off in panic to their doctor, chiropractor, herbalist and so on and usually told that there is nothing really wrong with them. And this is the truth. For all these symptoms are just temporary and simply indicate that the above mentioned physiological changes are occurring.

Some of the recommended relief remedies for the above are:

Go with the flow, don't fight it. If you feel tired and exhausted, rest and get plenty of sleep. Drink plenty of water for you are detoxifying and dehydrating quicker than usual. To relieve emotional tension and stress levels take Valerian. Fenugreek relieves stress on the lymphatic system and helps the detoxification. To relieve muscle spasm take Valerian and try mud baths or a long hot soak in a bath into which you add a cup of Epsom salts. Do this daily. Recognize that even if you are having heart palpitations or breathing difficulties that it is the heart chakra or the throat chakra that is unblocking and that the symptoms are temporary. You aren't dying, just changing! However, don't just take my word for it. Seek medical guidance if you are unsure. If you don't know where to get Valerian or Fenugreek try a health food store or better still, simply say the name in your head when you need relief. All healing energies are transmitted via the sound of the name and are just as effective said in the mind as aloud or as in physically taking them. Try it and see. Ask your angel guides or higher self to help relieve any pain. Most symptoms seem to last a couple of weeks, then clear up. Some symptoms may reoccur from time to time.

These changes are not necessarily being experienced by everyone concurrently, for instance, a very small percentage of adults have already embodied a further 2 strands of DNA (as at 2001) and are now beginning to move into fourth dimensional awareness. This physical change in our state of being is completely dependent upon our current level of consciousness, therefore, as we lift our perceptions to embrace ever increasing levels of truth and higher thought, so we embody further strands of DNA. This entire process is managed by our I AM presence or higher self, so we are in extremely capable and loving hands, and must therefore, learn to surrender to it.

With Love and light


As with all complimentary and alternative therapies, none of the treatments or suggestions listed within this article is meant to be a substitute for proper medical diagnosis, treatment or care from your GP. I do not diagnose conditions, prescribe medication or interfere with a GP's treatment. If you are currently taking medication prescribed by your GP, do not stop taking it without his/her's advice. If you have any concerns regarding your medical condition please speak with your GP first.
The above information is for informational purposes only!