Monday, August 20, 2007

The Process of Love

The Process of Love

The goal of our spiritual journey is to reconnect to our Source, the innermost spiritual part of us where only one energy exists, unconditional love. We start our lives with a vague memory of this type of love, which is all accepting, all knowing and all caring and we spend much of our lives trying to reconnect with it. That search can take many forms as we try to create it with family, friends and romantic relationships. We can try to create it from exterior sources as we enhance our material world or improve our image. We believe that if we have love we will be happy and without it we are unhappy. What we do not understand is that love is a process and the path to unconditional love begins with our willingness to give and receive it from everyone, beginning with our self.

Most people do not consider whether or not they love themselves and if you asked them the answered would probably be an embarrassed “yes’ or ‘of course I do’. But the truth is that most people do not love themselves. When they look at themselves they don’t see perfection, they see all of their mistakes, regrets, insecurities and fears. They see the flaws, faults, imperfections and where they are not good enough. It is probably easier for someone to describe to you what is wrong with them than what is right with them. We all do this. We can see the extra weight, the wrinkles, point out how we are too short or too tall, aren’t educated or smart enough or successful. But if we are to move towards love, we must be willing to see ourselves as God does, existing in total perfection and learn to love ourselves.

Whether or not we have a romantic relationship tends to determine how lovable we feel we are. It is as if we must see our ‘lovability’ reflected in someone else. So if we do not have a partner (and the Shift has put many of us in that situation) we simply forget about love altogether and get on with the rest of our lives, ignoring that longing to be connected with someone which is really our inner longing for reconnection to the Source. The link that we create between romantic and unconditional love limits our ability to recognize that love is always available to us, whether or not we believe that it is manifested in our reality in the form of a loving, romantic relationship. But whether we can love and to be loved by someone else is a reflection of our ability and willingness to love ourselves.

Whatever is occurring in our reality is a reflection of how much we love ourselves. Each person and situation mirrors our degree of self love and acceptance back to us. No matter how difficult the situation, its purpose is to discover where we do not love or value ourselves. When we understand the process of love we can change any situation by stepping out of fear and into unconditional love for ourselves. When we do this we focus our energy and intention on creating more than a single change, we activate our Source connection so that every aspect of our lives mirrors unconditional love back to us.The process of love begins with loving ourselves, then we can invite love from others and create a reality that mirrors our unconditional love back to us.

When we do not operate within this dynamic we are trying to work against the energy of the Universe and find ourselves in situations where nothing works out, no one appreciates or loves us and our lives are not very happy or fulfilling. We can get caught in a spiral of negativity and believe that we are not lovable when the real message is for us to love ourselves more.The Universe never withholds its love or support from us. We are the ones who do not remember that connection. The unconditional love that is our divine heritage is always there for us. The message from the Source is that we are always loved unconditionally, supported and provided for. When we remember and reconnect we step into the flow of the unconditional love and everything becomes possible. Then we can live the miraculous lives that have been promised to us, we can receive the love from others that we have been longing for and create the reality of our dreams by simply remembering that we are loved.

With love and Light

About the authorJennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel. Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel. Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email for information.Article Copyright © 2007 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.

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