Monday, August 13, 2007

What is Energy Balancing and How Does it Apply to You?

Energy Balancing

Take a journey beyond our conception of ourselves; a journey within, we feel a deep sense of connection to the Whole,our Source. We are pure beings of energy originating from the Source of all energy and returning to the Source of all energy. At every moment we have the innate nature to be completely one with this Source energy,and from within this Source, restore ourselves,heal ourselves of all wounds.

Look at our physical health as the result of our inner connection to our Source energy, feeling whole, at peace with and one with our emotional, mental and spiritual energies, our being is healthy, vivid and radiant when we feel complete, and whole within. The body seems to carry the discomfort of the energetic levels and when we re-align, or harmonize these higher levels of energy, we release the discomfort that the body carries.

By applying Kinesiology to inquire of the body where the disharmony is, we empower ourselves to find and resolve the discomfort prior to it manifesting in dis-ease, and when dis-ease is already present, kinesiology enables us to find a treatment which directly addresses the internal disharmony, so that we can overcome by neutralizing the disease.
When we follow this approach, we begin to understand how detrimental to achieving health the present western system of symptom suppression is to actually curing disease.

Dis-ease is precisely what the word itself implies, a dis-harmony carried within the body. Pain is an indication of a deep seated problem, within, that needs some attention. What is the source of this inner disharmony that becomes disease? And how can we overcome the disharmony and cure the disease?

In the United States, very little is discussed about the medical research done in Germany by Dr. Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathic Remedies and in England, by Dr. Bach, the founder of Flower Essence Remedies. Both of these brilliant scientists discovered a correlation between emotional and mental disharmony that then led to disease on the physical level.
By looking at the specific behavior patterns of many patients they were able to ‘see’ the correlation between a subtle disharmony on an energetic level and then the subsequent manifestation of disease on the physical level.
Each of there developments were named Remedies because they were exactly that, by addressing the disharmony on the mental and emotional levels they were able to cure the disease, providing a remedy to the disharmony

By acknowledging that all symptoms are an early indicator of a deeper lying disharmony it becomes possible to overcome many disorders by identifying the disharmony and then releasing it, by re-harmonizing the underlying vibration.

As presented by Debbie Lenz

We are All in need of energy balancing. If you are experiencing and Dis-Comfort or Dis-Harmony in your life, then you are out of balance and not in harmony with Source.

To Heal To Teach To Empower

With Love and Light

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