Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Rising Frequencies

Rising Frequencies
& Dropping Magnetic Fields
by Aluna Joy Yaxk'in

The travails you are experiencing are the result of a naturally occurring phenomenon. Please remain calm. The base resonant frequency of the Earth is steadily and rapidly rising, while its magnetic and gravitational fields are correspondingly dropping.

You may experience dizziness, lightheadedness, seemingly unprovoked anxiety and aggression, sudden melancholy, fits of exuberance followed by depression, the odd urge to drive your vehicle through obstacles like buildings, communication with disembodied entities and the deceased, uncontrollable impatience and intolerance, visions of undersea creatures and foliage, dreams of unheard of devastation, bloating, irritability, alternating nights of fitful and extremely heavy sleep, the strong urge to shuck off your clothes and run naked through the streets, a swelling panic, the feeling that you're choking, successive waves of suppressed or oddly vivid childhood memories, the distinct impression that this is all a dream, sensory overload and the subsequent need to shut down, and/or the sensation that you've walked in on a surprise party (but nobody's jumped out to yell "surprise!" yet). Be patient. Listen carefully. Be good to one another. All will be revealed to you in the fullness of time.

There is no way of telling people that they are all walking around shining like the sun.
--Thomas Merton

Another world is not only possible,she is on her way! On a quiet day, if you listen carefully, You can hear her breathing.
--Arundhati Roy

With love and light

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