Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Trusting Meditation

Trusting Meditation
by Orin and DaBen

I affirm that I am now ready to increase my trust in the goodness of the universe. I relax my body. I bring relaxation into my arms and shoulders. I adjust my posture so that my chest and back are comfortable. I notice my legs and feet and sit in a way that lets energy flow throughout my body.

I increase my trust in my ability to draw to myself what I need and want by remembering a time when I trusted that something would come to me-- and it did. I think of something I want that I know is for my higher good. I picture what having this will give me, what quality of energy I will have when this object or situation comes to me.

I make a picture of having this. I now expect to have this or something even better. I believe in myself and in my ability to create what is good for me. I affirm that the universe is abundant and that I can have what I want. I now affirm my trust in the goodness of: Myself, My soul, The Universe, God/Goddess/All That Is, Fill in:_______.

I trust that every thing comes in the perfect time and in the perfect way. I trust that those things that I do not get are not for my higher good, or do not serve me to have at this time. I surrender to my soul and the universe, and open to receive my higher good in all of its many forms and from its many sources.

I affirm that the universe is always working perfectly through me and for me. My heart is open and I trust myself and the universe to create the life I want to live.

With Love and Light


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