Wednesday, February 27, 2008

They Symptoms of Ascension

The Symptoms of Ascension
Earth Mother through Karen Danrich "Mila"April 27, 2000
Part 1

We, the ensouling factor of this ship that humanity (along with all other kingdoms) reside on, also known as Earth, recognize that much of the material written through our channels is detailed and esoteric in nature. It is our channel's genetic lineage (which is one of the spiritual elite of long ago who governed ascension in a region that was once known as Lemuria) that causes her to be so detailed in her material. For there are the records of over 300 biological ascensions in her ancestry, and each occurred as the result of intense inner study and the consistent release of those patterns necessary to be transcended in order to ascend.

We also recognize that not everyone will resonate with this material as it focuses on more detail than perhaps the average human has interest in. So this article is written for those who are ascending and perhaps who are not the mapmakers but are ascending nonetheless and need to understand what is happening to their bodies and their lives.


Ascension brings about the expansion of the auric field, the chakras, the subtle bodies and the etheric body that surrounds the form. This ultimately translates down to a physical expansion that follows suit. This expansion will be for all species, including those in human form who choose to ascend. The expansion will also include the global body of Earth. The expansion of Earth will take many centuries and will be gradual enough to allow for humanity along with other species to move as needed as the Earth body is reconstituted.

Why is expansion necessary to ascend? The expansion comes hand in hand with a new biological and biochemical structure that holds a new vibration. This new cellular structure not only holds a higher vibration but is larger in size, which ultimately causes the entire body to grow in the process. It is not just the human form that will increase in size but all species, including the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms along with the dolphins and whales. This expansion will be roughly a twenty per cent increase overall in size and weight.

At another time, the human species stood ten feet in height and was much larger in bone structure and form. Over the last 10,000 years of human history, the human genetic material declined, causing the human form to shrink in stature by many feet and drop in lifespan and consciousness. This is also known as the 'fall of man' in which mankind fell so low in vibration that he/she embodied fear rather than unity consciousness and unconditional love. This has also been called the fall out of the 'Garden of Eden.'

Ascension brings about restitution in the genetic material and vibration that all forms experience on Earth. For the human form, this restitution causes many new glands and organs to grow in the form that allow for the new cellular structure to subsist and results in a renewed level of joy and unity consciousness to prevail in the human experience. Our channel is one of 5,000 mapmakers of the process of ascension in human form and has detailed articles on the subject available free of charge on this website.

About six years ago, the first group of 100 humans embarked on the initiations to restore the physical form to what is called the 'crystalline form' (of which our channel is one). It was determined, after some planning, that it was not appropriate to restore the human form to its original size and stature. For one thing, a ten foot tall human would have a difficult time living in your current civilization. The second consideration was simply an issue of chi or energy. Too much energy would be expended attempting to restore the original height to the form that could be expended instead in the process of resurrection and ascension.

You see, the loss of genetic material and consciousness has caused much of the human form to decay over time. Even babies are born with over ten to fifteen per cent decay already present that has become a part of the human genetic encoding. By the time a human is fifteen years in age, they stop growing and begin to age. This occurs as the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) ceases to be produced by the pituitary gland in the brain. By the time an average human form reaches age thirty, the form has decayed by thirty per cent. By the time the form reaches fifty, it is over fifty to sixty per cent decayed. Decay is aging, which is also the result of molecules that have ceased to vibrate in the energetic gridwork of the form.

In order to bring forth the first known cases of resurrection of the decay and the growth of the crystalline cellular structure, the human growth hormone must be activated. This hormone allows cells to be converted or transmuted to a new biochemical structure that holds a higher vibration and allows those cells that have decayed or scarred to be resurrected. HGH also brings forth an overall growth of the form, not so much in height, but in size.

Stay tuned for Part 2 tomorrow

With love and light

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